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昆明奥远科技有限公司是一家专业从事系统开发、网站建设等互联网业务的高新科技企业。公司秉承着“为客户创造价值!”的经营理念,已为众多企业搭建好有效的互联网平台。在业界中取得骄人成绩。 公司愿景:让世界充满爱!旗下主营平台“商仁天下”和“X360”。“商仁天下”是新一代互联网B2B2W平台,商家与商家通过“云网站”开展商贸活动。是传统B2B平台与品牌网站的结合体,每个商家拥有自己独立域名的云网站,所有云网站信息都集中在商仁天下平台进行整合推广。商仁天下是互联网上的商业综合体,开创了新一代互联网商业模式。商仁天下为天下而商,为“仁”而商,为使命而商:以商仁爱天下!“X360”是一个全景分享平台,提供全景图片、全景视频、环物全景、VR、AR、MR等一站式全景解决方案。 公司遵循“爱心”、“责任”、“诚信”、“双赢”、“合作”、“创新”、的价值观,及敢想敢为,说到做到;坚持到底,永不放弃的精神。致力实现员工、客户、社会等多方满意多方和谐的环境。 凭着多年的技术研发与经验积累,奥远科技愿与社会各界朋友和广大客户共同努力,真诚合作,携手发展。 Kunming Ao Yuan Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional system development, website development and other Internet services high-techenterprise. Our philosophy is to create value for customers by helping businesses develop effective Internet platforms, and achieve outstanding results in the industry. Our mission - fill the world with love. The main product "SRTX"and "X360"."SRTX"is a new B2B2W online platform. Businesses can engage in business activities through the cloud website. It is a blend between traditional B2B and branding website. Every business will have their own website in the cloud website. All information will be organized in the cloud to push to the market. Shang Ren Tian Xia is a new business entity with a new business model. Shang Ren Tian Xia is for all the businesses and merchants in the world, and fill the world with love. "X360" is a panoramic sharing platform, providing panoramic images、panoramic video、panoramic panorama、VR、AR、MR and other one-stop panoramic solutions. AYKJ is committed to achieving employees, customers, and community satisfaction. With years of technical research and experience, the Austrian science and technology community is willing to make joint efforts of friends and customers, sincere cooperationnd joint development.
公司地址: 云南省昆明市官渡区彩云北路与珥季路交叉口鼎兴都商