当前城市: 镇江站 [切换城市 天津 临沂 济南]
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主营:木托盘自动打钉机 , 托盘连墩机 , 数控断料锯 , 全自动脚墩机


我司以再生资源设备的开发和生产为主,成立于2008年。目前具有完善的技术支持和售后服务,本着“以质量求信誉,以质量求生存”的经营理念和“诚信为本,用户至上,信誉” 的服务宗旨,国内所售机器均能上门安装调试,及时帮助客户解决生产和技术上的难题;通过听取用户的反馈意见,以提供持续稳定的重量,本着诚信、诚意的原则;多年来,产品不断创新、技术先进,广泛应用于木制品行业、木托盘工厂、木包装厂、油漆刷生产等工/农业、五金、能源生产领域,热销国内外,获得一致好评。秉着满腔热忱为广大新老客户服务,欢迎国内外客户洽谈合作指导!


Yangzhong City Hakata Industry Machinery Equipment Factory (Yangzhong City, a new source of mechanical equipment factory ) is the wood shavings, sawdust foot pier hot press drying machine, brush handle automatic molding machine, automatic edge to brush machine and other equipment professional manufacturing company, has a complete, scientific quality management system. Geographical location in Jiangsu Province, Yangzhong City, a cable" water garden " reputation, the environment elegant and convenient transportation, from the Shanghai of Nanjing is only 2 hours away, the Shanghai-Nanjing high-speed 30 km, the Beijing-Shanghai high speed 20 km.

I plant to the recycling equipment development and production, was established in 2008. Major equipment: tray foot pier of hot-pressing equipment with wood shavings, sawdust drying equipment, drying machine, charcoal industry machinery and equipment, brush and other industry-specific equipment. According to the customer request custom-made sample similar non-standard equipment.

公司地址: 镇江市扬中市油坊镇同乐南路18号